CUTEST KID AWARD GOES TO......................

We found out at the doctors today that Odi at 3 1/2 months is 11 pounds and 10 ounces, which puts her in the 25%. Tiny but perfect! But the best part about the visit was Thaddeus. We were in the rooming waiting for the doctor for about 15 minutes and the whole time he was on his hands and knees barking! I told him to come here and he shook his head and told me no. I then asked the puppy to come here and he came! We played that game the whole time! CUTEST KID EVER AWARD GOES TO T-BUD!!!!!


Rina said...

That is totally cute! I hope you washed his hands real well after leaving the office!

Grammy of 9 said...

The doctor isn't worried about Odi being so tiny? You were tiny, but you started out that way. I know, I'm just a worry wart. Glad to hear you got a puppy though, Piper ought to enjoy that!!!