I can't believe how the time is FLYING by! Odessa had another weight check a few days ago and she is 8.5 pounds! She gained 9 ounces in 8 days! The doctor and myself are super thrilled. I am still nursing and supplementing with formula. It is a lot of work, but I REALLY want to nurse. I NEVER thought I would say that! She is still itty bitty, but she is awake more, alert, happy, following us around the room, grabbing and holding on to things. She is just the best, if you don't believe me, ask her big sister. She'll tell you!! I still can't seem to get anything done around the house, but Sam is the biggest help! He has taken all three of the kids for hours during the afternoon (the days he is home) so I can take a good long nap. Feeding Odi at night is a 2 hour process and she eats every 3 hours, so I have a 1 hour nap between feedings, that is if she goes back to sleep. SO anyway, I don't get a lot of sleep and then up with all of them all day long, needless to say I am tired and Sam just jumps in and is the best Daddy!! He even changed his first Odessa diaper today! It was even poopy! He didn't want to wake me, so he just maned-up and did it! What a great guy! I sure do love that man of mine! SO my baby is 1 month. She still looks like a newborn, and when you think about it, both of my other kids where bigger at birth than she is at 1 month. How weird! We love our baby Odi. She started out as our surprise and she is our biggest blessing! Love you baby girl!

1 comment:

Laura said...

What cute pictures! She is gorgeous!!!