A day in the life of Teebs and Odes

Teebs and Odes have this strange relationship. Maybe just a brother and sister thing, or maybe because they are so close in age, whatever the reason, they really love each other and really hate each other. Odi doesn't care if I hold someone else UNLESS it is Thad, the other one only wants what the other has. But other times, I find them giving each other a hug, or sharing so nicely with one another. This morning Thad was reading a book to Odi. He read to her for about 15 minutes. Then shortly after they were done they start to have a biting match cause Teebs sat in between Piper and Odes and Odi wanted to sit next to Piper. Before I could get to the "fight" and break up it up, Piper had to calmed down and settled the situation and was comforting Odi. It was so cute! Odi just let her cuddle her and Piper was saying such sweet things. Odi didn't even want me, she was content with her big sister! I thank Heavenly Father for my Piper-Do more and more everyday!

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