
Odessa had her check up this morning. She is 3 weeks old tomorrow and she weighs in at 7 lbs and 7 oz. The exact weight she weighed in at at her 1 week appt. My baby hasn't gained a single ounce in weeks. I could tell she was still itty bitty, but she eats EVERY 3 hours and 20 minutes on both sides, so I thought she would be gaining something but she isn't. So I am to nurse like normal then supplement with formula. We go in Thursday morning for a weight check. If she hasn't gained anything, then she goes strictly to formula. I feel kinda like a failure! I went thew all the pain and stress of nursing and for her not to gain ANYTHING, and have to be put on formula anyway. What a waste! So I don't know if I should just stop nursing since it isn't doing any good anyway, or keep up with the pain and stress and let her get hopefully some anti-bodies that she can get from nursing? WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO??


Becca said...

Tough call. Do what makes you happy Nikki, Odessa will be fine as long as you are ok. Don't stress about HOW she gets fed. What's important is that she gets fed. :)

Matt and Megan said...

I had to supplement both of mine for awhile and then I was able to just nurse. Really as long as Mama is happy everybody is happy!! And you look very cute in your glasses!

Anonymous said...

Becca's right. I had a lady give me hell when I quit nursing Abby because of her food allergies and it really upset me. I pumped for the twins for four months. Nursing/pumping is NOT my fave thing. Do the best you can and remember that formula babies are just as good as breast milk babies, as long as Mommy's happy. :)

MegRich said...

Oh Nikki, I'm so sorry. I know how you feel- I had to do the same thing with Tyler. And I went through the whole thing of feeling like a failure too- why do we put so much pressure on ourselves? Yes, breast milk is the best thing for your baby, but heck! the formula they have these days is chalk full of all the stuff babies need. Don't stress- I want you happy so we can party this weekend!

Ann said...

I am unsure why we get something in our heads and think motherhood revolves around certain things--like breast feeding. Motherhood is much more than our boobs!!! The reality is babies do very well with a variety of feeding methods. Breast, bottle or both--she'll be okay. Do what is best for Nikki and it will be best for the whole family. Having had bigger "Richardson" babies and then 3 pre-term babies, I will tell you that larger, full term babies make better nursers. I am glad I tried (really hard) to nurse my twins because what I learned helped me then be successful with Douglas. But my bottle babies aren't any "less" than my breast-feed babies.