Longer out than in!!!

My baby is 9 months old today! Which I really can't believe cause when I look at her she is still so tiny! She is finally starting to get some chunk on her!! (16 pounds now and she moved up into the 10th percentile!) She loves to talk. She will look me right in the eye and starts babbling. Moving her voice up and down and trying to use words. She is my most serious baby. It takes a lot to make her smile, but just a look to make her scream. She still LOVES her mommy, but I hope that never stops! She is walking along things and falling off things and gets bruises which makes me sad. Her favorite foods are bananas and chicken nuggets.She likes broccoli and carrots and anything she can sneak out of her brother. She will ONLY drink water. I have to force her to drink her bottle, but plain 'ol water in a sippy she will down it in seconds! She will let Sam hold her at certain times of the day (mornings and afternoons is when she is the happiest and doesn't mind others as much) which is a great improvement to the screaming she would do as soon as he entered the room! She has her flaws but I wouldn't change anything about her! She is my odi may and I love her to pieces!
My babies favorite things are her thumb, her blanket and cuddling with mommy!
I love the stage where her hair is growing out and sticks straight up! But how can you not love the blue eyes! I love that one of our kids has Sam's gorgeous see threw blue eyes!
I love her tickling laugh. She is a serious baby most of the time but tickling makes her whole face smile!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Odessa is such a little doll! So cute!