
We have had almost 30 inches of snow in the last few hours and are expected to get that much before it is all over in the next day or two! We are literally stuck at home. But we improvised and after Sam's "walk" (literally walk cause we couldn't get the car out and we were out of things we needed cause today was supposed to be the day I ran to the store without any kids) to the grocery store, and after Odi was taking her afternoon nap, we took the kids outside! Surprisingly the wind wasn't blowing and the sun came out and it stopped snowing for about 1 hour. We had a great time. The neighbor kids came out and played with us. We built a big hill and went sledding down it. We built a snow fort, had a snow ball fight (the snow was lake effect so it was really powdery so we couldn't get a good snowball), and we took turns to tackle each other into the snow. Sam even let me bury him. He was about to get hypothermia but it was so fun! Piper and Thaddeus had a great time and are sleeping really well right now!! This was Sam when he got home from the store. He wasn't playing in the snow, it was blowing right into his face. But he got the milk!! Sam buried!
Thad's turn! Now Piper's! Sam and I got a turn too. It was really fun! A lot of work to build the hill but worth it!


salena said...

that makes living there look like fun!

Rina said...

And you claim to dislike snow? How dare you!! I wish we had that much this weekend.

Grammy of 9 said...

I can't believe you built your own hill! Only you and Sam would think of that!

Becca said...

WOW I am speechless... you guys are crazy! I don't know if I could live like that really.