How we spent our 4th

Since we don't have any family around and Sam had the day off, we went to the county fair to celebrate the 4th! It was WONDERFUL!! None of our kids had a melt down and threw a fit! We were all happy all day. We got there around noon and stayed till 6:30. We planned it so they would all fall asleep on the way home and 2 out of the 3 did. Piper knew there was fireworks and she really wanted to see some. So we let her stay up till 10:00 to see some. She said it was the best night ever! Can't beat that! Checking out the livestock Riding the swings Driving a car Riding a motorcycle
Fishing Chilin Playing our horns we won from our fishing trip Watching acrobats doing dumb things There were no nets or ropes. She was 100 feet in the air doing a handstand!!!! INSANE!!! She later hung from her head/neck while the bike went around way to fast! All I have to say is HAHAHAHA! The story of our lives! Then we finished the day with a train ride! The kids did awesome and so did Sam. If we walked that much in a store or mall Sam would have been throwing a fit but I gave him enough ice cream, he didn't mind! We of course ate tons of junk but it was fantastic!! We went on the right day to. It was only $4 admission instead of $8 and only 1 ticket per ride for all rides and only $1 a ticket! It was great! Piper is already talking about next year!

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