Exciting news

We have had a lot of exciting things going on!
  1. Piper is learning to read. Some days she is more motivated and willing and others we just have to take a break.
  2. Thaddeus is wanting to sit on the potty. I see him start to poo in his diaper and I ask him if he wants to sit on the potty. He jumps up and runs for the toilet. He has yet to utilize the handy invention successfully, but his willingness is encouraging. He told me that he wants Diego undies! How did he even know those existed??
  3. Odi is trying to walk. I told myself I would not promote walking in the slightest till she was at least 10 months old. I DON'T WANT HER TO WALK!!! But I feel abusive if I don't try to help at 10 months. Piper was running by now and Thad was taking steps on his own. Each one of my children develop later and later. (which is great by me!) anyway, she will walk everywhere holding one of my hands. I really want to keep her from developing! Is that really so wrong?

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow go Piper that's fantastic. I bought Evie some Dora knickers, and she keeps wanting to wear them so hopefully we'll get her potty trained soon (wont it be nice only to have to buy diapers for one kid?). I'm kinda thinking that Bear might be an early walker too because he loves to stand up, and I can completely relate to not wanting them to walk so soon because it definitely makes life more difficult, not to mention dangerous, when they can get into more stuff.