Strawberry the Explorer

Strawberry and Plum Pudding went on an adventure threw out our house today. Lots of interesting things when you have a very creative daddy and a very imaginative 2 year old! Even Thaddeus wanted in on the fun!
Exploring the head board.....Daddy was Plum.
They parked their cars at the bottom of the mountain.
Exploring the bedside table.
Driving their cars down the hall back to Strawberries house in Strawberry land. (I bought her bedding a year ago before Strawberry ever entered our lives! I got it at Kohl's for like 90% off. It is now "Strawberry Land".)
I am so lucky to have married a man that loves being a Daddy! Sam is the BEST father my kids could have. The past few weeks that Sam has been home for Christmas Break, have been WONDERFUL! My kids have absolutely loved having him around and playing all day long! Thank you Sam for going above and beyond for our little family and being the best father, husband, and best friend we could have! We love you!
(Please pay no attention to the mounds of garbage behind them. We don't!)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sounds like such a good daddy and husband! What fun for everyone!