The Real Deal

So for Sam's real birthday, we went out to Outback (JUST HE AND I), and he got to eat his favorite food besides pizza, STEAK! Then we went and I gave him my presents a new pair of jeans, cause he didn't own a single pair that didn't have holes in the unmentionable areas. I also got him the movie Inception. He went to the Theater to see it 3 times. We don't buy movies anymore now that we get Netflix on our Wii, but Inception we bought he loves it so much. (We even saw my favorite show that I haven't been able to find on DVD anywhere. Happy birthday to me! In case your wondering it is A LOT LIKE LOVE. If you haven't heard of it or seen it, you should look into it! ) Then we went Christmas shopping and did a little grocery shopping. Sam's HATES to shop and he still did it ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!!! He must really love me! anyway, we had a great night out alone and cant wait till his next birthday so we can do it again!
Love you Babe. I hope you have a GREAT 28th year!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Happy Birthday to Sam!
hehe...when I first found your blog and I saw your picture together, I said to myself, "Is his name really Sambo?? I'm sure it's just Sam..."
See? I have many blonde moments. It's awesome.